The Hobbit

The Hobbit

This evening I enjoyed The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey in 3D HFR. But it did not completely satisfy.

Previously I had heard a review which said it was too life like, kinda like I have heard Mars bars criticised for being too sweet. My problem was that it was not lifelike enough. Partly because it is sheer fantasy in which the goodies are laughingly nigh impregnable. I do not think Tolkien meant the book to be funny. Partly because the medium, albeit cutting edge 3D, 48 frames per second with amazing special effects, is nowhere near as good as what I see with my eyes every day of my life.

This is the second 3D film I have seen. After due consideration I have to say that enjoyed the first, Cameron's fantastic Avatar, somewhat more. Because I could seriously imagine being there and could identify with the hero. Because it heralded a new age of 3D realism just as 2001 A Space Odyssey was a first of its kind in epic Sci-Fi and therefore it will go down as a place saver in history.

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